Skin Conditions
Aged Hands Treatments
As we age, hands can change in their appearance. Aged hands can feel rougher, skin may become thinner and wrinkles and age spots may become more prominent. Although aged hands are a natural part of ageing, there are treatments which can help reverse the years and make hands appear more youthful.

Profhilo offers a highly beneficial solution for rejuvenating aged hands. The treatment involves injections of thermally-crosslinked hyaluronic acid into the dermis of the skin to treat skin texture irregularities, crepey-ness and fine lines and wrinkles. When injected into the skin of the hands, Profhilo, stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins that provide structural support and elasticity to the skin. This process helps to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and restore a smoother, more youthful appearance to aged hands. Additionally, Profhilo's hydrating properties can enhance skin suppleness and radiance, further contributing to a refreshed and rejuvenated look.
Lumecca™ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment can be an effective solution for rejuvenating the appearance of aged hands. This innovative light-based therapy targets various signs of ageing on the hands, including age spots, discoloration, and uneven texture. The intense pulsed light energy from Lumecca™ penetrates the skin's surface, targeting and breaking down unwanted pigments and stimulating collagen production. While tackling these signs of damage, this process can also improves skin texture, promoting a more youthful, even skin tone.