Reasons to meditate - and how to get started
If you can imagine your mind and body as a number of rooms, which get filled with junk from negative thoughts and experiences, then it’s little wonder we need to have a regular clear out to avoid being overwhelmed with the clutter of modern life.
That is why meditation is so important. We’ve touched on some reasons why meditation is beneficial, for better sleep, clearer skin, greater confidence, faster healing, and reduced stress. But there are a few other good things which come from this ancient form of relaxation.
And we’ve put together a little guide on how to get started.
- Greater Self Awareness
- A Better Connection
- Source of Inspiration
- Rejuvenation
- Increased Fulfilment
1. Greater Self Awareness

The more you meditate, the more conscious you become of what you think, the way you think, what you feel and what you want. This clarity is important in decision making. Without it, you become easily swayed by different external factors around you.
2. A Better Connection

You are more connected with your surroundings, the people around you, the world around you when you meditate. Fear, anger, desire, and pride stop having a hold over your thoughts and behaviour.
3. Source of Inspiration

Around 99% of your intelligence resides in the subconscious mind and this is where the most powerful ideas lie. The power of the subconscious was recognized by Thomas Edison, Buddha, Confucius, Einstein, and many others. Meditation attunes your minds to that 99% which we shut out in physical life. This is like a secret pass toward instant new ideas and solutions.
4. Rejuvenation

All of us are essentially made up of energy. We have seven energy centers, called chakras. Sometimes, we experience energy blockages due to problems or injuries. Meditation clears these energy blockages, cleanse the chakras, and facilitates the flow of energy around us.
5. Increased Fulfilment

All in all, the different benefits of meditation combine to give increased fulfillment in life. Gaining mastery of yourself, becoming more positive and rejuvenated, means you get even more out of everyday living.
Getting started
So how do we do it? Meditation can seem daunting at first as if some people hold the key to a secret which we’re not sure we can replicate.
But everyone can meditate, and by using a simple mindfulness technique based on the teachings of the Buddha, it’s easy to become skilled in overcoming our daily obstacles.
Mindfulness simply requires a disciplined meditation posture, a straight back, and a willingness to be honest with yourself.
The best-known focus of mindfulness meditation is the breath.
Whenever you find your thoughts wandering, simply notice them without judgment, and bring your attention back to your breathing.
Mindfulness practice has been shown to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety. In addition, it fosters resilience, a timely quality that helps you cope with difficult situations without losing your peace of mind. So follow these simple steps:
- Sit comfortably with a long, straight spine and find a slow, oceanic breath
- Begin counting your inhales and exhales from one to ten (inhale one, exhale one, etc)
- When you reach ten, start again but count backwards to one.
- Repeat this cycle five times.
- After five cycles, simply continue to breathe at this calm, steady pace
- Visualize the breath moving through the body, appreciating its physical relationship
- Be mindful of your body and thoughts, observing and recognizing them
- Whenever your mind begins to wander, bring it back to focusing on your breath
But the key is not to become impatient or to imagine you’re doing it wrong. Taking time out for yourself to relax and breathe is no bad thing. And the more you do it, the more you will find what works well for you.